Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Catching up on Blogging

This post will grow as I add a bunch of content to it, trying to catch up with the last very hectic month of our lives.

A bit over a month ago we put J & L down for the evening and stuffed them in our bed while we went about watching TV, chores and what not. A bit later when I checked on them, I found J had crawled over to L and was now sleeping by his big brother's side and holding his hand.

See more pictures here.

Then on the First of July L and I ran up to NoTellum Creek to catch some Cutthroats.... only the creek was pretty blown out from a thunderstorm the night previous. We didn't catch any fish but we still had fun.

Some pics of the trip.

The next day was Ivana's Birthday! We surprised her with cake and guarana. J also learned how to climb up the drawers in the fridge to get at the good stuff.

Beautiful Wonderful Wife!

More birthday photos!

Next came the 4th of July. We went into IF in the morning and entered J in the cute baby contest. Where his charming ways and winning smile got him into the top 5. We returned home, took a nap and then headed to Menan for the fire work show. I bought L a boffo sword which he sheathed on his back in true claymore fashion.

Beautiful, no?

More from the 4th of July here.

The 8th found us driving down to Ogden for a family reunion where we camped at Cherry Hills, went to Lagoon on the 9th and Cherry Hills water park on the 10th, and the Air Force Museum on the 11th. L loved anything that allowed him to steer. J most likely was thinking... "Hey I want to do that!"

More Lagoon pics.
Cherry Hills photos.